Not sure what to plant for the current season, want to ID that bug in your garden, or need to know more about cover crops?
The Master Gardeners have a great teaching demonstration garden set up permanently in the South-East corner of our community garden!
Every Tuesday morning from 10 am – 12 noon you can visit and ask them a gardening or pest question, see whats growing and get some great ideas and information.
You can also contact them via email or phone:
Check out the Garden Teams list to find your garden passion project, connect with like-minded gardeners and complete service hours in a fun and rewarding way!
Building community, creating new projects and maintaining garden spaces are all supported through better team work and working together. Contact your Row Leader to ask which team could be right for you!
Sat Sep 14 | Annual All-Hands Workday | Community Workday – 11am -1pm
Sat Oct 12 | Second Saturday | Community Workday
Sat Nov 9 | Second Saturday | Community Workday
Sat Dec 14 | Second Saturday | Community Workday
Second Saturday community workdays are from 10am – 12 Noon and are open to all gardeners and members of the public, for volunteering.
To-Do List
√ Attend the Second Saturday Workdays and log your service hours – join your Row to lead your workday, but all gardeners are welcome!
√ Check the Master Gardeners Vegetable Planting Chart to help you plan for the upcoming season
√ Check irrigation timers and hose bibs regularly, hand water mindfully and check your water usage with your Row Leader for any questions
√ Join a Garden Team on their team workday or ask for regular tasks you can do each week
√ See an area in the garden that needs help? Have an idea for a project that you could apply your skills to? Contact your Row Leader to discuss and see if you can help and add value to the many opportunities in the garden
Fall Service Hours Goal
3 hrs
completed by end of November
Weekly Service Tasks
Flip compost bins check dates on each bin sign, follow instructions to flip bins with dates more than 3 days old.
Weeding Please pull weeds out by the root! Shake off soil from the roots before discarding into green Yard Waste totes.
Yard + Trash Totes Black Trash tote goes out on Monday evenings. Green Yard Waste totes go out on Tuesday evenings. Line up totes outside our fence, to the right of the Main Gate.
Recycling collect any recycling in the garden and take home to dispose of, we no longer have a reycling service or tote in the garden.
Add garden prunings to our community compost processing area in neat similar material piles. Add weeds, vining plants and diseased organic material to our 4 large green Yard Waste totes
Rake leaves from pathways only: pile neatly in the compost area. “LEAVE THE LEAVES” in garden beds as warm season mulch or for over-wintering insects in the cool season.

Log Service Hours
Service Hours Log
- Log service hours after completing a Community Garden Task
- Check how many hours you have logged so far
Click here to view hours logged
As a CSG Member you must fulfill and log 15 x service hours by August 31st each year, per your Gardener’s Agreement. It’s very easy to achieve and helps keep our lovely community garden maintained and looking good.
Attend our Second Saturday or Last Thursday workdays where there are plenty of community jobs allocated on those days.
Check with your Row Leader what needs doing near your Row OR there is a monthly Task List posted here and on the garden kiosk noticeboard near the main gate. So if you need to contribute service hours outside of workdays, you can easily log an hour or two each month.
Happy gardening!
Workdays + Meetings Schedule: 2024 - 2025
9/14/2024 | Second Saturday | ALL HANDS WORKDAY + MEETING 2024/2025 | |
10/12/2024 | Second Saturday | Cherry, Fig | |
11/9/2024 | Second Saturday | Group Garden, Hi-Rise | |
12/14/2024 | Second Saturday | Lemon, Mulberry | |
1/11/2025 | Second Saturday | Orange, Plum | |
2/8/2025 | Second Saturday | Apricot, Blackberry | |
3/8/2025 | Second Saturday | Cherry, Fig | |
4/12/2025 | Second Saturday | ALL HANDS WORKDAY + MEETING 2024/2025 | |
5/10/2025 | Second Saturday | Group Garden, Hi-Rise | |
5/29/2025 | Last Thursday | 5 – 7 PM Work Evening | |
6/14/2025 | Second Saturday | Lemon, Mulberry | |
6/26/2025 | Last Thursday | 5 – 7 PM Work Evening | |
7/12/2025 | Second Saturday | Orange, Plum | |
7/31/2025 | Last Thursday | 5 – 7 PM Work Evening | |
8/9/2025 | Second Saturday | Apricot, Blackberry | |
8/28/2025 | Last Thursday | 5 – 7 PM Work Evening | |
9/13/2025 | Second Saturday | ALL HANDS WORKDAY + MEETING 2025/2026 |
Agreements and Documents
- GARDEN BED AGREEMENT: 2024-2025 For registered garden bed owners only.
- VOLUNTEER LIABILITY WAIVER For all volunteers: download a copy of our waiver, sign and return to CSG.
- THE GROUP GARDEN Information on how to join the Group Garden while you wait for an individual garden bed.
- GARDEN HOSE GUIDE read this before buying a new hose for your plot!
- AUTOMATIC WATERING SYSTEM Information on the correct pieces and configuration of your automatic watering system
- UNATTENDED WATERING AGREEMENT Complete this form to get approved for your already installed automatic watering system
- HOW TO LOG SERVICE HOURS Instructions on logging hours via the website form
- CSG COMPOSTING GUIDE Instructions on how to hand flip our community compost bins
Join a Garden Team
Members click the link below to visit the Garden Teams Master List. Join a team you love and find your passion project today!
Garden Teams 2024-2025