Join Us!

Be part of our community of gardeners, volunteers, and more!

Look below to see the different options for geting involved.

Giving Back to the Community

Thank you to the team from COURSERA who came out to tame our blackberries #VolunteerStrong

Our Group Volunteering options are currently closed, please email the Garden Coordinators to register for any updates or changes for 2021.

Volunteer with Us

Charles Street Gardens has some great opportunities to get your hands dirty and give back to your local commmunity!

Explore our website or contact us for more information

Join the Group Garden


Sign Up Below to join the Group Garden today. Add your email below to the CSG Waitlist to join.

You will receive updates about when the next Introductory CSG 101 classes are coming up, you can join the Group Garden after you complete the class and sign the Gardeners Agreement! 

Individual Garden Beds

There are currently 92 individual garden plots/beds at Charles Street Gardens, with a plan to increase that number as space is made available. Sign-Up to be added to the waiting list today!

After you sign up, you will receive information on when our next Introductory CSG 101 Class will be offered.

You must attend the CSG 101 Class before you can join as well as be a current Sunnyvale resident. Once you have completed this requirement you can immediately join the Group Garden, or remain on the Waiting List until an individual bed becomes available. Our turnover varies, but we want you to be ready when a garden bed becomes available!


We are always looking for volunteers to be a part of Charles Street Gardens. You don’t need to be a gardener, just someone who enjoys the beauty of our space! You can join us whenever you have the time, and based on your inclination and skill, we have the tasks. Download the waiver here and sign ready to bring with you. Some of our volunteer opportunities are:

  • Help maintain and build garden structures
  • Help beautify the common areas of the garden
  • Help with our community events
Second Saturdays – Volunteer Workdays

Every second Saturday of the month we have a garden workday, check our calendar on the Gardeners page for upcoming dates. You don’t have to be a garden member to participate, just contact us below and let us know that date you’d like to register and we will let you know all the details! No tools or supplies needed, just some enthusiasm and a smile!

Team Volunteering

If you are an organization, school or enthusiastic group of people and want a team-building experience that will give back to the community and help out Charles Street Gardens, please contact the Garden Coordinators. We have many projects where you can be of assistance and we would love to work with you!

Group Gardener

Our Group Garden is a place where many gardeners work together choosing what to grow, caring for the space together, and sharing the harvest from 4 x super-sized raised beds!

You can join the Group Garden after completing our CSG 101 Class, while still remain on the Waiting List for an individual garden bed.

Sign Up now to our waitlist to start the process to join the Group Garden!

Visit Us

Are you interested in attending garden events? We have many educational and fun events throughout the year including:

  • Spring & Fall Plant sales
  • Open Garden visiting hours
  • Children’s storytimes
  • Lectures by our renowned Santa Clara County Master Gardeners
  • Seasonal celebrations

Most of our events are completely free and open to the public.

Please visit our calendar to see what upcoming events we have in the garden. We’d love to have you join us!

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