How can I become a gardener at Charles Street Gardens?
Head to our JOIN page from our menu for all the different ways you can sign up and garden with us. To register for a raised bed you need to be a resident of Sunnyvale.
How long does it take to get a garden bed?
Depending on the time of year and how many people are on the Wait List, the wait time will vary. Our annual agreements end in August and new agreements are issued in September of each year. We email our Waitlist registrants and invite them to attend our CSG 101 class which is a simple introductory tour of our garden. You must RSVP and then attend the CSG 101 class in order to become a new gardener. We honor the date order in which you first joined our waitlist + attended CSG 101 class – this is what we use when allocating new beds and is fairly adhered to. It may seem impossible, but it’s not! Gardeners move away, change cities or change their minds each year so feel free to apply.
We encourage you to sign up and join our garden, we know you’ll love it!
If I am on the waiting list, when can I start gardening?
The great news is …. immediately! You can join the GROUP GARDEN while you wait or you and your entire family can participate in our Second Saturday Work days as a garden voluunteer.
How much does it cost for a garden bed?
We have a few different annual fee options:
The 4′ x 16′ Regular beds = $95.00
The 4′ x 8′ Hi-Rise beds = $55.00
The Group Garden space = $95.00 and consists of 4 large beds that are shared amongst the group.
*If you are allocated an individual raised bed in the same year you join the Group Garden, your fee payment will automatically transfer to your new bed agreement. You will not have to pay a new fee until the new agreement year begins.
*Water and seasonal compost are included.
For any additional questions about payment please email the Application Coordinator through our contact page.
What can I grow?
We encourage growing crops year round. Most of our gardeners grow vegetables, flowers and herbs that they use for personal use. We also have a community herb garden, fruit trees and vines and plenty of flowers and natives to attract essential pollinators! To ensure the maintenance of our beloved raised beds, trees + berry vines cannot be planted directly in the beds. Mint must be contained in a pot.
Do you have volunteer opportunities for non-Sunnyvale residents, student or corporate groups?
Yes! We always have plenty of projects and opportunties for the community to work and volunteer with us and we encourage you to get in touch with us anytime!
Please email our Garden Co-ordinators listed on our contact page + include your group numbers, any date requests and a brief description of your interests or project.
Can I visit the garden at another time when you're not open?
Yes! Due to the fact we are a volunteer run community garden, our public opening hours aren’t as frequent as we’d like. So please feel free to email us and arrange a special time to visit, we are happy to accommodate you if we can!
Still have a question about Charles Street Gardens?
Feel free to ask us a question, send us your thoughts, enquire about donating to our partner organization or discuss a project idea! We’d love to hear from you.